Home > Events > Engaging Boys in a Gender-Transformative Programme
01 February, 2025
11:24 pm


When we think of gender-based violence (GBV) typically we think of women as victims and men as perpetrators. Most interventions to end GBV tend to focus on empowering women to find their voices and use their agency to secure their rights. Typically men and boys are left out of these discussions or are treated as oppressors and subjugators.

We must accept that men and boys are not born to be violent and discriminatory towards women and girls. Growing up in patriarchal societies, they inculcate actions and behaviours that are violent and discriminatory. In fact, when given an opportunity to learn and practice gender-equitable behaviours, boys can and do take actions to promote gender equality. Hence it is important to take more efforts to engage boys in programmes and activities that will enable them to identify, challenge and change inequitable gender norms.

Boys will continue to grow up to be violent and discriminatory until civil organisations start to practice programmes that raise boys to be gender equitable.

Project Raise is an initiative by the Equal Community Foundation to build the capacity of the development sector in India to implement gender-transformative programmes with boys.

About the Workshop:

This workshop will showcase a set of themes, topics and activities that can be used to engage boys in a structured gender-transformative programme. As such it is an effort to bridge the gap between standard gender-based training and a concrete set of activities that can be used to engage boys in a behaviour transformation programme.  

Participants will learn key concepts in gender, sexuality, GBV and human rights. They will be exposed to an activity-based curriculum which they can then use to engage adolescent boys in their communities.

Through the mediums of interactive discussions and conversations, role plays, videos and group activities, and we shall engage with the themes of gender, human rights and specifically how we can equip adolescent boys to identify, challenge and change inequitable gender norms.

Who is the workshop for?

We welcome development sector professionals who work with adolescent children in education, health, life skills, etc. and who would like to learn about a structured approach (themes, concepts and activities) to engage adolescent boys in conversations on gender in order to enable them to identify, challenge and change gender norms.

Dates and Venue:  July 8 – 11, 2019, Sambhaavnaa Institute, Palampur, Himachal Pradesh.

Contribution towards Programs Costs:  Rs. 4500. This includes all program costs including food and stay expenses at Sambhaavnaa Institute.

Do not let money be an impediment to your desire to apply. Need-based fee waivers are available. We have a limited number of scholarships, so, please apply for a fee waiver if you really need it. Do remember that there may be others who need it more than you.

Resource Persons:

  • Rahul Kusurkar is a Senior Programme Mentor with Equal Community Foundation.
  • Yogesh Huparikar is a Programme Associate with Equal Community Foundation.
  • Upsana Saha is a Programme Manager at Equal Community Foundation

Language: Hindi

Venue: Sambhaavnaa Institute at VPO Kandbari, Tehsil Palampur, District Kangra, PIN 176061

How to reach: Please visit: https://www.sambhaavnaa.org/contact-us/

For any other info:

Yogesh Huparikar: 8600212524

Upasana Saha: 8102738619

Email Id: projectraise@ecf.org.in

Scroll down to fill the application form.

(There is a sincere request we have to make. If you fill the form and get a confirmation from our side for your participation, please do not make cancellations at the last moment, unless there are unforeseen circumstances. So, while filling the form, please try to make sure you do not have anything else planned in advance for the dates of the workshop. It takes some time to process the forms and begin our preparations for the workshop. If you back out after the confirmation, it sends our preparations for a toss, in addition to the time and effort we are expanding. Also, many other people who are eager to attend miss out on the opportunity. We shall really appreciate your consideration, and hope you understand the need for such a request.)

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