Two initiatives are running under Udaan.
We, at Udaan, believe that the purpose of education should be to enable children to develop critical thinking, curiosity, creativity, and imagination. And that, education should play an important role in nurturing children to become aware, sensitive, and vibrant individuals. Here, we try to achieve this through a holistic approach, primarily with the children who live in the villages near our center. The pedagogical methods include discussions on various sociocultural and political issues like environment, caste, and gender through the mediums of workshops, theatre, movies, games, and other non-conventional means of teaching and training, with an objective to animate and move the sensibilities of children, to develop their perspectives, and to assist them to explore their interests.
Our Learning Center has a room for puzzles, indoor games, art & craft, and a playground. Also, there is a space for carpentry and pottery. We have a non-conventional learning space including a library and a science laboratory. All these facilities are used by children on a daily basis after their school hours and all day during weekends and other school holidays.
We also organize field-trips/nature camps for children, to guide them in learning from the ‘outside’ world as much from the world inside of the Learning Center. Eco-camps are also organized with the children from other places and with the schools around the state to enhance their understanding of the self-reliant model of community living in many parts of the country and environment-related issues.
Thus, we engage with a plethora of subject-matters, which include environmental conservation, leadership and confidence building, among others. We also look at all of these issues through the prisms of social indicators and categories of analysis like caste, class and gender. Most of this is achieved through following means:
- Conducting interactive sessions on matters related to sustainability, environment and social issues in nearby schools.
- Conducting workshops and camps with locals as well as children from outside the vicinity of the Learning Center.
- After school, the learning space is open for children every evening and all day during holidays, for reading and other activities of their own choosing.
Above all, we aspire to challenge the ‘conventional’ system of education which we believe tends to create an atmosphere that can lead to unnecessary competitiveness, fear, and insecurity among the children.
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