I am a historical and political anthropologist with a focus on the impact of capitalism on space and time. My monograph Time, Space, and Capital in India: Longing and Belonging in an Urban-Industrial Hinterland (Routledge 2018) addresses the intersection of time, space and capital through an ethnography of public life in an urban-industrial hinterland in eastern India. My current research focuses on Vaishnavite devotional practices in North India.
I am currently an Assistant Professor at the National Law School of India University. I received my PhD from the Department of Anthropology at Yale University in 2014. I was recently an Andrew W. Mellon Fellow at the Jackman Humanities Institute, University of Toronto (2016-18). I have a law degree from the National Law School of India University, Bangalore (2006) and practised law and conducted legal research in New Delhi on questions of land, environment, water rights and indigeneity. I have worked in public interest legal practice in New Delhi and have been engaged in ethnographic research and teaching anthropology in Bangalore and Toronto since I completed my PhD.
My work has appeared in many peer-reviewed venues including SAMAJ and the Economic and Political Weekly. I have written extensively in varied genres in the popular press including The Wire, Scroll, Open Magazine, 3 AM Magazine, two of my short fiction pieces are published in the Bangalore Review (2015) and the RIC Journal (2018). I have been a Contributing Editor (2016-2018) for the journal Cultural Anthropology.