Samina Mishra is a documentary filmmaker, writer, and teacher based in New Delhi, with a special interest in media for and about children. Her work uses the lens of childhood, identity and, education to reflect the experiences of growing up in India. Her recent work includes the award-winning Jamlo Walks, a picture-book that tells the story of the migrants walking back home during the March 2020 COVID-19 lockdown, Nida Finds a Way, a chapter book for early readers that follows a young girl as she explores the world around her, including a citizens’ protest, Happiness Class, a documentary film on the idea of happiness for children, examined through the Happiness Curriculum in Delhi government schools, and Hum Hindustani, an interdisciplinary research project on children and citizenship. She is also the founder of The Magic Key Centre for the Arts and Childhood, which works with children and adults on using the arts in education.
Samina Mishra