Songs of Resistance
Songs, Lyrics and Slogans have played a crucial role in resistance spaces and social movements and also in spaces of each one’s lives. Many songs and poetry have born out of the Andolans such as Narmada Bachao Andolan, Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sanghatan, Chengara Land Struggle, Feminist groups, and many other mass organisations which imbibe the politics and ethos of the struggle and collectives such as India People’s Theatre Associaton, Kerala People’s Art Club, Kabir Kala Manch, Kabir Yatra, Relaaa, Dynamic Action, Casteless Collective, etc have born out of similar struggles.
They often become symbolic of those struggles and acts as a force of ‘social and political change’. In the last few years, music is also used by fundamentalist forces to spread hatred and bigotry, but we also witnessed several independent compositions that upheld love, harmony, justice, constitutional values and human rights through art, especially music.
The ‘Songs of Resistance’ workshop invites young people who are interested in learning the process of songwriting, musical composition, production, and performance of music of resistance. It is a four-day workshop with singers, performers, and cultural activists who have used music as a means to democratise protest spaces.
The workshop also intends to initiate conversations on different kinds of music of resistance by listening, singing, and composing songs on contemporary issues of discrimination and injustice.
Who can apply: Those who can compose, sing, play one or more instruments (We are currently not in a position to include you if you do not have one of these skills, but merely an enthusiast.)
Age limit: 18-35
Dates and Venue: 13-16 November 2021. Sambhaavnaa Institute, Palampur, Himachal Pradesh
Language: Hindi, Marathi, Oriya Malayalam, Tamil and English.
Resource People:
Shital Sathe: Part of Navayan Mahajalsa, Sheetal is one of the prominent Dalit singers from Maharastra who writes songs on caste atrocity and gender discrimination. She performs regularly on issues of unjust and state repression and has even been jailed for he revolutionary songs.
Sofia Ashraf: A feminist singer, rapper, and writer, Sofia has written several songs on issues of corporate accountability, smashing patriarchy among others. Her song ‘Kodaikanal Won’t’ (by Vettiver Collective) addressing the mercury poisoning by a thermometer factory owned by Unilever resulted in the multi-national company compensating more than 500 employees.
Dhamma Muktiwadi: Part of Yalgaar Sanskrutik Manch, a street theatre artists group from Maharashtra, Dhamma and his group performs songs and plays on caste system, godmen, gau rakshaks, internet trolls and mythology.
Nandini Oza: A researcher, writer, chronicler and archivist, Nandini is the President of Oral History Association of India. She has documented and chronicled Narmada Bachao Andolan extensively and has built an archive of the same which documents the songs, slogans and activists of the movement.
Shankar Mahanand: A musician, playwright and theatre performer from Odisha, Shankar has penned several songs and translated dozens of songs into Hindi, Odiya, Malayalam, etc. He is also one of the members of Relaa, a cultural group with members from Chhattisgarh, Odisha and Maharashtra.
Anil Tharayath Varghese: Anil Tharayath Varghese is associated as a solidarity supporter of various social movements working on the issue of land, forest and water. He has been involved with various cultural initiatives too. He is based out of New Delhi.
Aswathy Senan: Aswathy is an independent researcher, translator and activist. She is currently working on documenting the history of slogans associated with various social movements and resistance struggles in India.
Contribution towards Programs Costs: We hope that each participant would contribute an amount of Rs. 3800 /- towards the workshop expenses, inclusive of all on-site workshop costs: boarding, lodging, and all the materials used in the workshop. Need-based partial waivers are available, especially for people from marginalized communities. We have a very limited number of partial waivers, so, please apply for a waiver only if you really need it. Please do remember that there may be others who need it more than you.
Do not let money be an impediment to your application. Need based fee waivers are available. We have a limited number of scholarships so please apply for a fee waiver if you really need it. Do remember that there may be others who need it more than you. Fee waiver will be offered to people from marginalized groups and non-funded social, political or students movements
How to reach: Please visit: Getting here
For any other info: WhatsApp or call 889 422 7954 (between 10 am to 5 pm), and e-mail:
Kindly fill the application form below:
प्रतिरोध के गीत
गीत, उनके बोल और नारों की सामाजिक आंदोलनों प्रतिरोध स्थलों और हम सब के जीवन में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका है| अनेकों गीत और कविताएँ आंदोलनों में पैदा हुए हैं, जैसे नर्मदा बचाओ आन्दोलन, मजदूर किसान शक्ति संगठन, चेन्ग्रा भूमि आन्दोलन, महिला आन्दोलन तथा अन्य जन संगठन जिन्होनें संगठन और संघर्ष की राजनीति को अपनाया और इनमें से इंडियन पीपल्स थियेटर एसोशियेशन इप्टा, केरल पीपल्स आर्ट क्लब, कबीर कला मंच, कबीर यात्रा, रेला, डायनामिक एक्शन, कास्टलेस सोसाइटी कलेक्टिव इत्यादि इन आंदोलनों से निकले|
यह अक्सर उन आंदोलनों के प्रतीक बनते हैं और ‘सामाजिक और राजनैतिक बदलाव’ की ताकत के रूप में काम करते हैं| पिछले कुछ वर्षों में संगीत का इस्तेमाल रूढ़िवादी शक्तियों के द्वारा भी नफरत और कट्टरता फ़ैलाने के लिए किया जा रहा है, लेकिन हम इस बात के भी गवाह है कि अनेकों स्वतंत्र गीत और कविताएँ प्रेम, मेलजोल न्याय, संवैधानिक मूल्य तथा मानवाधिकारों की रक्षा को कला विशेषकर संगीत के माध्यम से करते हैं|
‘प्रतिरोध के गीत’ कार्यशाला उन युवाओं को आमंत्रित करती है जो गीत लेखन की प्रक्रिया को सीखना चाहते हैं, संगीत संयोजन, तथा प्रतिरोध के संगीत की प्रस्तुतियां व निर्माण में रूचि रखते हैं| यह एक चार दिवसीय कार्यशाला है, इसमें गायक, संस्कृति कर्मी गीतकार तथा वे लोग मौजूद रहेंगे जिन्होनें संगीत के द्वारा प्रतिरोध स्थलों को लोकतान्त्रिक बनाया है|
यह कार्यशाला वर्तमान अन्याय और भेदभाव के विरोध में अलग अलग तरह के गीत संगीत को सुनने, गीत गाने, गीत बनाने तथा उन पर चर्चा की शुरुआत भी करेगी|
आवेदन कौन कर सकता है: जो लोग गीत लिख सकते हैं, गा सकते हैं अथवा एक या अनेक साज बजा सकते हैं (अभी हम इस स्थिति में नहीं हैं कि अगर आप में इनमें से कोई भी योग्यता नहीं है और आप महज़ एक उत्साही व्यक्ति हैं को इसमें शामिल कर पायें )
आयु सीमा: 18- 35
तारीख: 13 से 16 नवम्बर 2021 भाषा: हिंदी मराठी उड़िया, मलयालम, तमिल और अंग्रेज़ी
स्रोत व्यक्ति: शीतल साठे, धम्मा, सोफ़िया अशरफ, शंकर महानंद और अनिल थरायथ वर्गीज़
कार्यशाला के लिए योगदान राशि कार्यशाला में जुड़ने के लिए सहयोग राशि के रूप में रूपए 3800/- दे सकते हैं | इसमें आपके रहने खाने और कार्यशाला में इस्तेमाल होने वाली सभी सामग्री का मूल्य शामिल है|. जो साथी यह शुल्क देने में असमर्थ हैं वो आंशिक योगदान कर सकते हैं | आर्थिक सहयोग की आवश्यकता को आवेदन पत्र में यह स्पष्ट कर दें